GoldenEye Wiki

Player statistics are recorded for each player during both solo and multiplayer games. Most of these statistics are kept in a single block of data. A few others are saved in individual player data. Most statistics are tied to the different mulitplayer awards. AC-10, Marksmanship, Where's the Armor?, and many others refer to statistic data.

The locations for statistics start at these addresses:

  • Japan
    • 0x80079F60
    • 0x80079FCC
    • 0x8007A038
    • 0x8007A0A4
  • America
    • 0x80079EF0
    • 0x80079F5C
    • 0x80079FC8
    • 0x8007A034
  • Europe
    • 0x80068A00
    • 0x80068A6C
    • 0x80068AD8
    • 0x80068B44

A breakdown of the statistics is listed here in order.

size offset description
4 +0 shots fired (guns only)
4 +4 head shots
4 +8 body shots
4 +C leg shots
4 +10 other shots
4 +14
4 +18
4 +1C kill count total (display only)
4 +20
4 +24 killed player 1
4 +28 killed player 2
4 +2C killed player 3
4 +30 killed player 4
4 +34 (float) time enemies on screen
4 +38 distance travelled
4 +3C number of shots in the back - explosions as well
4 +40 (float) # BA pickups
4 +44 (float) minimum time b/w kills
4 +48 (float) longest time b/w kills
4 +4C (float) longest inning
4 +50 (float) shortest inning
4 +54
4 +58 largest # people killed at one time
4 +5C (float) player handicap (200=LTK)
4 +60 flag counter
4 +64 (float) player perspective height
1 +68 order you lost in "You Only Live Twice"
1 +69 special MP register
1 +6A autoaim [1:on]
1 +6B sight [1:on]

Special MP Register[]

The special MP register is used in different multiplayer scenarios.
